Heartbreaker A_BS0035_24x36.jpg

Heartbreaker A

24 W x 36 H

Heavy acrylic, High flow, Enamel, Pastel

Integrating typical Silver techniques—Asian references, dramatic shapes and manipulation of negative space. Heartbreaker was conceived as a triptych but functions beautifully solo. Each panel plays a touch of crimson against dominant black forms and markings. Symbolic “hearts” are virtually dominated or destroyed. Positioned against an ecru ground, the mood is one of sentiment or bravado.

Interested in Purchasing?

At Barbara Silver Gallery, we have original abstract paintings and prints available for purchase. Please call or email the Barbara Silver Gallery directly for purchasing and shipping information.

Phone: 917.757.0447

Email: barbarasilvergallery@gmail.com

Heartbreaker Triptych